Sunday, November 13, 2005


OK, Many people have asked how can an officer enforce the laws in the State of Florida if they cannot be trusted in everyday lives? I, personally do not think that Officers should be in power if they cannot be trusted, why should a Police Chief? Officers are asked to be of good moral characters...Do Police Chief's get exemption from this? Ask Syrkus what actions were taken when his son was the suspect in a criminal investigation? How can a person be trusted to enforce laws that they break themselves? Ask Syrkus about driving a police vehicle to go pick up some alcohol and meet with a "special Friend".... HMMMM, Check the statutes on when an officer is allowed to use the FCIC system to find out information about someone to get them fired???? What did happen at 7-11? Why did that employee that called the police to report possible misconduct (SOUNDS LIKE A WHISTLE BLOWER TO ME) get fired after a letter from DAVID??

HONORABLE Chief Syrkus.... Humor is great!


Blogger golfbabe01 said...

Dear Thetruthis,
Let's start with the notary. She, hopfully, has E&O insurance because she left herself open,BIG TIME, for a law suit and she is going to lose her seal. Someone committed FORGERY, A CRIMINAL OFFENSE. Moreover, The title to the property is not a clear title in light of this situation and I feel for, not only the person who purchased this place from Syrcus but also for the Title Company who WILL be investigated by the Florida Department Of Finance. This issue isn't going to be put to bed anytime soon. David, you may want to take your leave now before it gets really really bad for you. I hear Costa Rica is pretty nice. We will be fine without you and as for your followers, take them with you as we have enough idiot in this town. I sure hope he reads this or that someone tells him about this. Trust me people, there is no way out of this one. He is totally screwed. Buh Bye

11:13 AM  
Blogger golfbabe01 said...

I know what you mean, I was shocked when I examined this QC Deed. I could not believe that this dumb #%@ notary opened herself up for this upcoming cluster for Syrkus. The signatures did not match and it's right there, clear as day. I hope it was worth it to her because she will no longer be a notary after this. And as for David having those two women in his house at the same time. It's possible that they made him sleep in a tent outside while they snuggled together nice and comfy inside. Or another possibility could be that ..... nahh! I'm with you. It's one of those gross mysteries that will keep me awake tonight. How do I get this out of my head now. It's kindof like when you hear the song Faliz Navidah for the first time of the season, you just can't get it out of your head. Oh, and one more thing, this message is copyrighted by default and if anyone wants to repeat this, you have my permission as long as it's repeated in its entirety. I'll let you know more on Monday about numbnuts notary. Have a great weekend. Bye

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good lord... where on earth do you get this crap from golfbabe? Do you hear it from your lesbian locker room friends, or do you just make it up?

1:53 PM  
Blogger golfbabe01 said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:54 PM  
Blogger golfbabe01 said...

LOL, too funny! I told you guys we are dealing with “morons” and now I rest my case. To Anonymous, the Lesbian thing was unnecessary as I am neither a lesbian nor do I hang out in a locker room. I will ask that you keep your fantasies about me to yourself as this really grosses me out. EEEW! Now, as for your questions, which by the way are vague? Which “crap” are you talking about? If you can be more specific I could possibly help you understand. When you respond to this message, if you respond, please try to be polite and not act like an idiot. I have a hard time wasting my time with people whose IQ are below 70. Thanks, GB

3:32 PM  

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