Friday, December 02, 2005


OK, kinda funny how these people have pushed RealMelBeach's blog off the internet. Stand up for yourself dont let these losers push you around and THREATEN you by saying "I know where you live and who you are, I am gonna put flaming dog poop in front of your door!" Dont be affraid to speak your mind.. If you want something posted let me know, I will post it under my user ID... Let them threaten me, I am not affraid of the circus freaks! I like the way the "other blog" talks about people and the right to be free and all that other happy CRAP! yet they DELIBERATELY try to push someone around if they speak thier own mind... FREEDOM OF SPEECH BABY! My forefathers died for me to be able to speak my mind...SO DAMN RIGHT YOUR GONNA HEAR IT! If you OPEN YOUR EYES people, we are trying to educate you (of course you can always buy your education, isnt that right david?).... I have no respect for anyone that tries to suppress others rights and I REALLY dont like people that would put their hands on a weaker person. People, if you are closed minded (SUSAN) than you dont really wanna see what we say....If you are willing to hear THE TRUTH and see how the people threaten those that speak THE TRUTH...Join us...Just remember people are also entitled to thier own opinions also! We wont accept many anonymous posts unless they are REALLY interesting. We will accept MOST of the posts from readers that wanna share thier opinions or a fact as long as it is not nasty.

TheRealMelBeach come on back and post... Dont be affraid of Circus' band of rejects!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you didn't read the last posts on therealmelbeach blog site. they knew someone knew who they were and they were basically running scared because they didn't want their job to be at risk. someone stepped on the bloggers toes. there were no threats. your right they were nuts tho. just another one trying to sound like a big man

3:57 PM  

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